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Drogon Dragon TailDrogon Dragon Tail

Drogon Dragon Tail

$ 69.00
  • Info
  • Details
  • This firey Dragon Tail is one of our fiercest impact toys. It has a flexible, braided single tail handle that rolls as you throw it.  This handle is weighted and heavier than a standard single-tail whip.

    A pleasantly tapered tongue gives way for accuracy, precision, and a whole lot of 
    viciously stingy bite!  Practice enough and you'll just might hear a delicious crack when you play.

    As long as you know that focusing all the energy of your strike into the one tail (as dragon tails do) should be done with consent, caution, and a whole lotta conversation with your sub. Such tails are heavy impact play tools and can break the skin when thrown hard enough.

  • Features: Leather loop for storage 
    Materials: Leather
    Dimensions: 32" long