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Sex For OneSex For One

Sex For One

$ 15.99

 Betty Dodson dedicated her life to taking the shame out of masturbation, showing it to be a healthy form of sexual expression. With warmth and intelligence, and informative line drawings, Dodson explains how anyone can learn to fully enjoy the pleasures of self-love, pointing out that masturbation is still the safest sex. Take the journey and understand her work and approach in this book that serves as more of an information-foundation vs. a how-to masturbation manual

Don't let the fact that she was on "goop lab" taint your view of this incredible sex education pioneer. Gwyneth Paltrow touts unsubstantiated bull.

Betty Dodson knows the solo pleasure game & spent decades teaching Bodysex workshops and writing manuals like this encouraging women to masturbate (& showing them how)!  In 2007 sexologists tested the "Betty Dodson Method" in group therapy with 500 previously an-orgasmic (unable to orgasm) women. Of the 500, 465 (93%) had orgasms during therapy, 35 (7%) did not. She knows her stuff. #listentoBetty 

Take aways from this historic book:

  • This is best suited for people who don't yet appreciate their bodies, for those who are just stepping into the world of self pleasure, masturbation, and orgasm
  • for more experienced readers and folks more familiar with the current sex positive language and approach, this book often feels dated in its language and approach
  • It's not until the end that Betty Dodson gives any sort of direction on how to give yourself pleasure and even then, it's not your typical masturbation book. The book is about feminism throughout the years and about how people need to love their bodies in order to experience sexual satisfaction.
  • It's not really a sex manual. It does contain some tips and ideas, but the bulk of the book is a sort of history of Dodson's own sexual liberation and the story of her work to liberate others.